10 New Year Resolutions
Written on Wednesday, December 30, 2009 by Jason Wee
Much of with tons of unedited pictures (I am soooo sorry!) and school preparations, I should do this blog post of, 10 resolutions for 2010!
Number 10
Sigh, although I really hate saying this, but, I NEED TO LEARN CHINESE. Wo Pu Hui Ciang Hua YI!!
Number 9
Illustrator Skills.
I would be lying if I said Adobe Illustrator hasn't been my back up for the past 2 years now. Illustrator, is also useful when it comes to design, and has triggered the artistic side of me. Which I now know, isn't my niche. But nevertheless! I still can improve in it! Logos are FTW :)
Number 8
Money Control.
GAHH. I almost went broke this Christmas. I really need to learn how to record my spending, like how I did last year. So I must be more kiamsiap, and save .. maybe to buy something related to to 6 or 7. :P
Number 7
You wouldn't believe this but, fashion.
HAHA TOO MUCH RIGHT. Some of you have saw me with my new pair of pants, which my brother says, is back from the 50's. For this aspect in my life, I gratefully, need advice. Of which, must find cheap clothing too! How would a fedora match?
Number 6
Music Skills.
This has come up pretty recently, due to Tianxi and Friends. Currently, I am obsessing about learning to harmonize. EEESH! During Alycia's session in Impact camp, my guitar was horrible :( Must improve!
Number 5
Bible Knowledge.
Aish, every time I want to quote a verse, it just can't get out, or I can't land on the right one! This is a definite area in need of improvement.
Number 4
Before I got really involved in CF and all, one of my main goals for the holidays was to study ahead for ASEAN scholarship. But of course, it did not happen =\. In fact, I haven't even started on my Form 2 cause I'v been to camp after camp! I must not neglect my studies, how to become PM like that? :-)
Number 3
I cannot count the number of friends I made this year. It is frankly so hard to keep track! Thank God for sending Facebook! From school to camps to church, terlampau sangat! I would have never expect to get so close with friends from other states! *hinthintwinkwink* And who knows, even other countries next time, for that matter!
But I also have neglected friends, which I am truly, very sorry :( Sometimes I get to caught up with my activities and other friends, I seem to put some aside. Always remember, I appreciate you loads! From DJ, CF, scouts *squels*, RR, NSCFL Camp 09' (FTW!), Impact/B2B, the numbers are crazy ;)
Meeting new friends.
While sustaining old ones ;)
Number 2
HAHAHAHHAHHAHA. I am still a bit upset with the muscles I lost this December, cause I completely stopped my workout since NSCFL Camp due to all the activities. Which I actually think, is the reason why I lost 4KG. :( But not to worry! Cause I'll be having a secret place to work out :-) Anybody wanna follow? =P Hopefully it'll last!
Just some simple bizz on my Christmas in Singapore, they had this throw-your-ball-into-the-river thing which writes your New Year Resolutions.
It's a freaking river full of blown up balls! This picture alone cannot describe it.
And this, was my resolution. HAHAHAHA.
Wee Family 09'
Number 1
You guessed it. GOD :)
He's my priority in my life. Everything I do, should be in His name. And His name should be glorified! And in 2010, I should put my energy into..
Recess Revo!
CF Camp 10'!
and being a pioneer of.. School Christian Fellowship Malaysia Blog :)
And being more involved with Impact! Well, here's a tricky part. But have I mentioned that I'm actually from SIBKL? Well, I have my reasons of not going to youth there see. So I go to Impact :D But sometimes I feel torn apart. My prayer is that God will resolve this in 2010!
In conclusion,
I hope that,
2010 will be FTW.