Written on Wednesday, April 14, 2010 by Jason Wee
Settled. I thought, as I changed to a reserve. No more peer pressure, no more mockery of physical weakness. But noo, as God put it somehow that someone just had to not show up. Stumbling down to the field while trying to hook on my number, I thought to myself feelings of embarrassment and disappointment. So I ran just for the sake of running, not like I could be any faster than anybody else. I wondered, why didn't the 3rd runner start to jog? I asked, like it was my fault.
Later, the 3rd runner scolded me in the stands, blamed me for the decrease of speed I put upon us. Insults, not a word of encouragement. Sakit jiwa, I thought. As he sat down and still had that mentality in mind, I knew this horrible team philosophy is like, you know, bad. With the little amount of 100plus I had holding in my hands, I sat down in front of him and splashed him right in the face.
"Wake up" I said. "Winning isn't everything".
Him, completely shocked, I continued, "Its the experience you get, giving your best try is the best thing anyone can do". Or something like that. He then put up a fight (words, I mean), and compared a 4x100m run in a school to the Olympics and Michael Phelps. His words, "people don't remember you if you get silver or bronze, its GOLD".
I think I come to a point in my life where I'm sick of this mentality which I had. Winning, achievements, posts. Expectations are for ourselves, not anyone else. As long as we gained something from it, it's good enough. Trials and errors can a person go through, but he can't conquer the world.
So what if there's no victory? I would like to think there's victory in our brains, cheering for new experience gained. Then again, who said the brain was any less than the body? Brain-ers, how often pubble down achievements to others. The tongue is sharper than the sword, no less.
My point is today, that I'm done with all these obsessions. A step forward in life and I should never take this mentality up again.
"I have fought the good fight, I have finished the race, I have kept the faith." :)
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Written on Sunday, April 04, 2010 by Jason Wee
Epic. :)
Sigh, how time passes by so fast. :(
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CF ex,
Written on Tuesday, March 02, 2010 by Jason Wee
Happy happy birthday Seraaa. I shall not burden you with reading a lot, and Im doing you a favor for not uploading an embarrassing photo of you, so
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Blog Legend
Written on Thursday, January 21, 2010 by Jason Wee
Sigh, what do I say about this guy either than the fact that he looks almost the same since he was 10?!
Completely obsessed with Arsenal and Harry Potter at that moment, his two emails are gunnersrox_96@hotmail.com and hogwarts_aaron@yahoo.com. He always took that Harry Potter book in the library during reading time :)
And may I say, he's been the best friend I have, being with me through the ups and downs of life, not to mention withstanding my overweightness when I feel on him during futsal!
Always reminding me on what homework that were to be done, I'v been saved by him so many times I can recognize his handwriting anywhere lol. LOL. Once I got my braces, he flashes his marvelous teeth to show of at me. He also has this obsession that he's fat although he's SO SKINNY ALREADY.
He also has been with me to be the two thorns among the roses all the time :P In 2008, I thought both of us would be going to different schools, but that didn't happen! No words can describe how much I appreciate him for being a true best friend all this while. But today, I would just like to say,
Happy Birthday Aaron Sanjay Dass :)
and I'm so sorry I fallen sick on your birthday and can't torment you with flour and water after school! I can't wait to see how both of us grow in time to come :D
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Blog Legend
Written on Wednesday, January 20, 2010 by Jason Wee
A while ago, in 2008, I had a blog post ranting if I should become a prefect or not. And my brother commented on it,
Until this year, I didn't really get what it means (HAHA, what a first post for 2010!). I know I'v left my blog for so long. Heh. So some updates! :
- 2 Angsana 2010!
- Ex pengerusi tingkatan!
- Bendahari Maju! (skip classness :D)
- In KarateDo last minute! Absss.
- Nostalgia :)
- Pengerusi Robotik -.-
- CF camittee! assistant worship coordinator 2 :P
Yes, EX dah pun. I stepped down on Friday, and got replaced by Shannon on Monday. Reason? Well, one of it is cause I'm so sick of it already ._. But I let go of my Pencegah Ponteng D:
Secondly, I don't want to have tension in class, since I'm quite tension everywhere else! So kan, referring to my brother's comment, I am officially avoiding all disciplinary posts! After all my previous positions (pfft -.-), most of it were quite a waste of time, if not only contributed to building my character. HUHUH.
And, my personal goal (cheh haha), is to bring a positive impact on everyone I meet, to change for the better!
I got soo pissed of yesterday. Snugglewugglepuffpuffness I want proper debate! How do you expect half a class to debate with half a class -.- It's so tiring lately, and quote Alycia, "everything's so hectic" :(
Back to homework >;(
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