r.i.p. Shiro


Written on Wednesday, October 29, 2008 by Jason Wee

The following post is not for the faint of heart.

I guess there's nothing to say here. He's gone. It was shocking that he came down with a disease so bad. I have no idea of the identity of that disease. All I know is, that it caused Shiro to suffer massively.

This started around Friday when he didn't come out of its hiding place for the whole day. On Saturday evening, he popped his head out of the hole, and to my despair, his eyes were bleeding. No doubt about it he's gone blind. He was still breathing. I only could seperate Fuji from it and could give him personal water and food.

On Sunday, after I came back from LOUD 2008, he had switched position as shown in the picture. He was suffering as he was struggling to breathe and his tail has been lengthen and twitched. His whole bottom and anus has been swollen and turned black. He was twitching around in pain, his legs had stiffened and there was no point going to a vet.

On Monday morning, I woke up pretty late. To my knowledge, Shiro had passed away. He stopped breathing when the whole house hold was asleep. I'll miss you, Shiro!

All right reserved for pictures.

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  1. deJelly |

    wa.. so sad! T.T
    I've never got to see him but I'm sure he was a good hamster..
    *tips hat*

    (got cry anot?)

  2. Jason Wee |

    no la.. nvr cry =P


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