My Money.


Written on Wednesday, January 28, 2009 by Jason Wee

This CNY, I was bored. And thus, I SMS. Doing that cost money. Last I checked, I had RM 18.XX credit left. After messaging Irene a lot, I'm down to..

WHAT? 9 sens?

Irene was a Digi number, so SMSing her was 15sens each. So,

RM1 / RM0.15 = 4 SMS
RM18 x 4 = 72 SMS

Update : OMG what's wrong with my maths?

RM1 / RM0.15 = 6 SMS
RM18 x 6 = 108 SMS

My money. Gone just like that. Somehow I stumbled on a Celcom Rihanna page, and I ended up here.

"Welcome to School of X (S.O.X.), the best prepaid plan to rock your world.

Specially for teenagers between 12 to 18 years, S.O.X. gives you the best rates, biggest bonuses and best privileges all from your No 1 mobile network.

So what’s the deal? With S.O.X. you get the same call rates WHERE EVER YOU ARE, cheaper calls to friends and family (8pax), FREE invites to the most happening events, surprise bonuses, cool downloads, and lots more. Still need us to say more? Check out the bunch of reasons why you should choose S.O.X."

Seems quite interesting, and the rates?

Seems quite competitive too. Presume nobody I know uses Celcom, so 8pax is out of the picture. Comparing to Hotlink, which I'm currently using, my Active10 has only 3 people in it, well, cause I'm very well afraid that after I finish adding, I want to change and that'll cost me a whopping RM1.

So assuming, competitive messaging..

Hotlink - 15 sens per SMS
SOX - 6 sens per SMS

It's quite confusing. So..

I'm gonna try it out.

What do you think?

Vote at the side! Its so troublesome to get a Toluna poll here =.=



Written on Sunday, January 25, 2009 by Jason Wee

Friday was my super duper best day in school yet! x) Morning started off with my never boring tuition and and there was CF! Although I’m not a member.. x)

The skid was funny! The best part was the two biggest brain cells fighting.. ahahaha! I manage to get the script since someone left theirs in my class. Oh thank God they didn’t use Balau.


And we continued school as usual, which CF totally brightened my day x)

I wonder how Batai restored their tables in such a short time. Classes were smooth, but but but..

when I got back from sending the Sejarah books and the next period was PJPK, and i went “OMG!” seeing the chaos going on between Balau and Batai -.-

I think I shouted my loudest that day and what more on the corridor ! Guys didn’t go out but girls with the oh so care free Puan Puah went out while we’re stuck with Cik Cho.

And later, we were quite disappointed when we found out Puan Madianna is not gonna teach us Moral anymore. If I’m not mistaken she’s replaced by the pregnant Puan Nordianna.

And and she let us out quite fast.. so Zheng Yang and me ran like crazy chickens lugging our heavy bags to the bubble tea store but I reached there first ! x) I passed my Buku Pencegah Ponteng to Audrey to hantar it to Christopher. Sorry yeah! I’ll buy you bubble tea next time! x)

And and I took the inner route to walk back that day and manage to stay away from all the dust and smoke from all the car fumes.

And that night I went to buy my new Brother DCP-145C printer! Will upload next time as I’m blogging in my car as I type this, on my way to Batu Pahat, Johor. Please oh please,

Have freaking INTERNET.

I’m posting this in a mamak called “Hamid Corner”. x)

Pengawas interview after CNY? Ahh!

Where’s my Nostalgia work?!

Stupid PAS!




HB Aaroni!


Written on Wednesday, January 21, 2009 by Jason Wee

Happy Birthday Aaron Sanjay Dass!

Hope you have a good time in Malaysia!

Thanks for being such a good friend for 3 going 4 years!

Make sure you get that mole removed! x)

Magic of Photoshop


Written on Saturday, January 17, 2009 by Jason Wee

I love it ! x')

HB Robyn!


Written on Saturday, January 17, 2009 by Jason Wee

Happy Birthday.. Robyn Alicia Shan!

Picture retarted certified!

Hope you enjoy yourself in Jakarta! x)

P.S. To Syafinas, Edrie, Zheng Yang or any Balauians.. no offense to my pastly written stuff! :0



Written on Thursday, January 15, 2009 by Jason Wee

What a horrible day it was. And now I got a whole stack of homework needed to pass up on Saturday which is following Thursday timetable, which is my homework day.

Early in the morning, Maju practice was on, and did it suck. Cause of arrange the Kad Gerakan Kokurikulum, I missed warm up and when I ran, did my thigh hurt like mad.

And and after it finished, I actually walked back home! I dropped by Pizza Hut first to get my lunch, and then walked all the way to my house. It doesn't look as close. But, what the heck, exercise is exercise.

And I was super exhausted when I came back, and after I bathed and got ready for school, for the second time I'm giving Puan Hor a lift, as she lives right infront of my house. And the day got even worse with the super long assembly, which really drained my energy. And during KH Puan Subathra didn't come yet so I went all the way from Bilik Tayangan to the Bilik Guru and couldn't find her. And when I came back, they were all in the room already. Piftt.

Bacaan was sick. Recess was short. I forgot to bring my Pendidikan Seni exercise book so I had to buy one from Li Ann. And and I gave out EIGHT art block papers. Plus Puan Puah shouting like mad in our class, I can say I was dead by then.

Before that, when I was walking back from putting some books in the Bilik Guru, one short short haired glasses guy was walking pass by me and said "You're Sera's boyfriend right??" I was .. "What?! No way! OMG Who the sh*t are you?" I'm not usually that rough with people I don't know, but in this circumstance, obviously he isn't so goody too shoes either.

I came home and got knocked off before American Idol even started! Oh wait. Its Thursday right? Oh shit I forgot bout Heroes! Ughh! How messed up I am.

Sucks to be me.

Man Oh Man.


Written on Tuesday, January 13, 2009 by Jason Wee

This is what I feel right now, drowning, needing air. After working hard to be where I was in 2008 wasn't easy. But it was worth it, plus I enjoyed it.

In DJ now, I'm trying to hide from all non-SKTMers that I'm, well, the ex - Head Prefect. I've come across people when I told them I was it, and the talking became just stunted. So in my experience, I'm resisting not to tell anyone this time.

But, respect is a whole other thing. After a year of getting close to people far from my age, cause some people know that I'm "that" person, so they don't dare to treat me like a usual person. But now, I don't receive any respect, only trying to use my achievements to get into clubs, and not trying to make friends with it.

Since standard 4, I was always mocked "belagak" (right Aaron? hehe) But sooner or later, starting of 2008, I was rarely ever called that, but called perasan even more x)

So I beg all you DJians, do NOT, I repeat, do NOT reveal my erm..

identity seems to cocky..

post seems to casual..

Uh.. just don't reveal my past?

Ok? =D



Written on Saturday, January 10, 2009 by Jason Wee

Gosh, its so not like I wanted. Secondary school is not like I wanted! I barely get my free time with afternoon school, and I'm so, tired after school. Expecting less was bad, and one thing's for sure, boy are the rules strict, prefects packaged. We can't really explore the school, cause its really bounded my space. So,

My first day, gosh. What else is there to say, plain tiring, got asked to pull up my pants 4 times, and once I entered the school, this old prefect from school, Eunice which I used to treat quite badly said, "Put down your hair".

"It's natural lah"

"Try to put down"

"Seriously! You touch! NO gel!"

"Ok, you go get letter for that"

One word, WTF man. We went back to class after assembly, and Puan Rohayati, my class teacher came in, and wanted to change the seats. And the embarrassing part was, that there's a rule in DJ that guys can sit with girls. So teacher announced to class "Sebenarnya, lelaki tak boleh duduk dengan perempuan *points to me and Audrey*" Gosh.

Everything else went quite well, except for the stupid Buku Pencegah Ponteng book. My God does it cause hypertention. On Tuesday all Pengerusi Kelas knew about it, and then I was the last one to collect it, since my teacher is aswell new to DJ, but thank God I passed it up by recess.

And my official favourite teacher, Pn Choong! She is so damn funny lah! And she really can speak Malay well, which is hard to find a good Chinese speaking one. Although discipline teacher and abit jumpy, she's my number 1 fav teacher! Haha ;)

Sexism arises. How unfair. Girls no need to wear pants, guys have to trouble with it? Man, and the whippings stated in the rule book are for guys. Ish. Enough about that, we recieved our forms to fill, and on Thurday, one of the most, awful thing happened.

During KHB, the girls and guys split. So the teacher all wanted us to have TWO long books. So a lot of us only has ONE or NONE. So, one book was RM2.50, and I went down to go buy the books for everyone, holding their money lengthly calculated. And when I reached the bookshop.. I GOT ROBBED!


No lah, the bookshop just ran out of stock, wasting half an hour doing nothing.. x) And I asked Puan Sathya about the Nostalgia thing, and said must write some stuff about yourself, and I handed in a misarable piece of paper she knew there was nothing there, and explained briefly what should be in there, so on Friday,

I, I, I, so love going to Mr. F's tuition! It's another meeting place for us groopies x) And I went back to SKTM to collect my robotics certs and visit with Victor, that took quite long. So later I went to print sample photos and illustrations, and photostated my certs.

And and, I'm in MAJU! And and I applied for Robotics! And also Pengakap! And I'm Penolong Bendahari for Maju! And I kena tegur for my hair 5 times and my londeh pants 10 times! That makes it ..


Hahaha, so I was waiting outside on Friday, and my mum was quite late so I decided to buy bubble tea. And when I was walking back to the other side, some form 2 Maju girl scram at me,


"Penolong Setiausaha lah"

"Oh Oh! Penolong Setiausaha!"

"She's so random right" her friend

I walk..

"Ah wait! I'm Bendahari! Penolong Bendahari lah!"

"Oh Oh! Penolong Bendahari!"

And if you manage to read until so far down here, I salute you for reading my long crap. But the week has really been tiring, and coffee has been helping me x)

Ahh Shucks.


Written on Friday, January 02, 2009 by Jason Wee

Bimbo Post.

One word in my head.. Argh. Yes, orientation day, I arrived like, super early, nervous much. Already announced students would line up at their according classes. I, was the first one in the line, One Balau. x)

Seeing still many hadn't come, we still had to wait, and I met these 2 nice people from SK DJ :). If I remember correctly, their names were Syafina and Edrie?

Anyway .. continuing on.. it started, and we received this super long speech from Datin Wira! We were escorted to our classrooms after a slide show. One Balau is in Blok F, next to the construction work site :S

Later we went to collect our textbooks, given out by Alycia Tan :O Later we got back to class, filled in the loaning forms, and started our election for Ketua Class.

First nominee, Edrie by Syafina? I guess I got a tendancee to pick strong friends, ;P
One vote, me!

Second nominee, Syafina by Edrie? Lol.
Two votes, himself and her friend.

Third nominee, me by Audrey, argh.
And guess how many votes? I don't know because there were too many I was too scared to look!

And guess who became? Ishh.

And my Assistant Class, is Audrey and my Bedahari is Ashlyn. Why do I even bother to blog leh.

Got back and left, and found out I have to bring every single book on Monday?

So to all DJian's form 1, any info on timetable and what books to bring on Monday?