Cikgu Fhaishal and Cikgu Norhayati's Wedding


Written on Monday, November 03, 2008 by Jason Wee

This is the first time I went to a Malay wedding. And I have to say, as it's much much informal, I had a great time. Except my jeans were coming down most of the time and wearing a shirt was really annoying.

So yea, Ashley tumpang'ed me and Shun. It was a long journey to reach the kampung side. Although we chatted a lot in the car.

Cikgu Fhaishal asked us to eat with him, which means eating with his family, in the house, not outside because he was afraid the food outside was too spicy for all 3 of us. When we walked in at first, I think I was the most out of the group. Wearing a shirt with so formal and all. While other people just wore slippers and normal 'baju' to come.

When we were eating we saw Puan Ng Poh Chan, came in with her husband and three children. Looks like she's out of the hospital. After filling our grubs, we went out, and bought.. Ice cream! I think it's one of the worst I had. The cone was leaking so badly I had to eat it like a pig.

We went walking on the road away from the house, to continue our destine long journey.

And crossed this horrible dangerous bridge. You think this is bad? There was another one that was barely half a meter wide.

We even saw some coconuts. *Speaks in a negative minded way* And we were throwing stones, and boy my aim is good. I hit a running motorcycle with two ladies on it and they almost fell down, and I hit a cat and it ran away. When we went back to the house Shun told me the cat was Cikgu Fhaishal's.. lol

Me and Shun plucked some unriped bananas.

He tasted it and said it was bitter. I just threw mine away.

So we went back.. and Ashley's mum bought 3 buckets of Nata De Coco. Sort of a jelly kinda food. And she gave one bucket to me. Shun said he vomits when he eats this kinda stuff..

And after that,

The horror began.

Shun Yeen, eager to read a private and secret message on my phone that was related to Ashley, which I didn't know was no longer in, didn't let go of my phone.

There were two pillow's in the car.. And we pile drived each other and goodness who knows what kind of molesting's were there. Stuffing each others faces with the pillow, and when Shun Yeen had it, Ashley was holding the other one, I would have touch him until he got so disgusted he let go of the pillow, and.. WHAM goes his head. Don't worry, I'm not gay.

We were on for around half and hour, and many bruises from then.

Arrived at Ashley's house and I called my mum.. then Shun and me went back to my hood. (ok fine, yes im trying slang)

Then his dad came, and I over slept for 3 hours. And now, in the busy ness of work, I'm blogging. I think these were one of my best days out.

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