Dear Readers..


Written on Friday, December 12, 2008 by Jason Wee

I'm so sorry for not updating! I am just so packed lately. I finally got the time to edit my Penang pictures.. but sadly, not the Bangkok pictures. Haha. I'll try to post it.. around 2009. =p

Anyway, I was stranded in Bangkok for 1 week and.. 6 hours. Yeah. We over shot it for 5 days and 4 nights. But as like in my previous post, we enjoyed it alright! But I didn't even see a yellow protester..

See there was basically 3 parties, yellow, red and white. Yellow were the protesters, red were the government supporters and white were people who just want freaking peace, people!

It was mostly like Digi vs. Hotlink, see, yellow versus red, anybody? Oh nevermind.

Since our stay was extended, I was worried I couldn't make it to Penang for the Anugerah Kecemerlangan Kokurikulum Kebangsaan 2008 ceremony but there was no worry, we went on Wednesday morning when I came back from Bangkok on Tuesday night.

With Safia and Nadia in their car to Penang.

When we arrived the practice already started, and a few minutes from our turn to spare, so we practiced and all. Then we went around the whole Bukit Mertajam looking for supposedly the best Nasi Kandar where Nadia picked up a cat walking by.

Then we headed over to the nearest Jusco to hunt for some Starbucks Coffee. And MAN, I had Caramel Macchiato, 5 SHOTS! Siao.

Later we headed over to some arcade place meant for small kids, but found there was air hockey too. So why not?

And boy, did my 5 shots help alright! We went back later and had our bath, dinner and went on to the ceremony room. To our despair Shun forgot to bring his tie, and there was this big ass argument where I'm in the middle.. since I have complete clothing, and I never have to wear these clothes ever again. Or so I thought so.

And, our room which has 2 QUEEN beds had us to share with a malay boy. Him alone, two of us. Awkwardness? Anyway he went to sleep with his teacher, and in the end Shun had to go back the night itself. I had my whole room to myself? Let's see..

While waiting for our turn, Safia was sitting next to this 17 year old guy, from Selangor too, representing Kelab Kemahiran Hidup and boy, they got talky. In the end, we didn't win.

Some dancing club won with the achievment of only going to London for some expo, voluntarily.

We still got a big ass trophy though.

Later, Puan Anita suggested I moved to Cikgu Hasmadi's room since all our room mates chao already, and since her room and Cikgu Hasmadi's room is on the same floor, so fine. To my despair, when I entered a foul smell emerged into my lung systym and knew I would not want to move in here. But what to do, bring bag already, so whatever lah.

Den bathed, changed, wore my hoodie, tshirt inside, short pants and went over to Puan Anita's room to watch Scary Movie which we bought at Speedy at Jusco on my laptop.

Gosh, it was sick. And later I got inspired and was high, so I did this...


Then Nadia wanted to go down to the lobby, previously to stalk this Sarawakian guy she thought was hot and cute, and I mean seriously STALK. Sitting down there. Watching his every move, worst dragging Safia and me along.

So, I set alarm on my laptop, she took a pillow for me and herself and a big blanket, I slept on the sofa while she slept on the floor, while Pn Anita and Safia already tucked in their big King size bed.

But we overslept in the end. Saddening.

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