2nd Tag. It's Rare People.


Written on Wednesday, November 19, 2008 by Jason Wee

Pass this quiz to 10 people.

1. Fuji
2. Barack Obama
3. Steve Jobs
4. My Dumbells
5. Jason Chia
6. Rihanna
7. Kenny Sia
8. Sami Vellu
9. My Macbook
10. Chelsea / Siti

I did it randomly! I swear!

Who is no.6 having relationship with?
Chris Brown! Sadly.. :'(
Im serious! I did it randomly!

Is no. 9 a male or a female?
Uhh.. *checks under* Yeap, its a gal.

If no. 7 and no. 10 are together, will it be a good thing?
I'm sorry Kenny, but you're going to the big house.

What is no. 2 studying? After high school?
The way to be a anti-racist President.

When was the last time you had a chat with no. 3?
Since I bought Number 9.

What genre of music does no.8 like?
Da Vellu kind.

Would you ever woo no. 3?
Oh yea. Of corse.

How about no. 7?
Even more.

Is no.4 single?
They're 2 of them, so I doubt so.

What is the surname of no.5?
Cha Cha.

What's the hobby of no. 10?

Does no.5 and no.9 get along well?
Who wouldn't?

Where is no.2 studying?
In uh.. dat.. big oval place. *wink*

Aiyoh the oval office laaa!

Say something casual about no.1.
Messy. Smelly. Hairy.

Have you ever tried developing feelings for no.6?
I already have.

Where does no.9 live?
Next to me every single moment.

What color does no.4 like?
Their blue, so I would think, bleu.

Are no. 5 and no. 1 best friends?
Yea. They have much in common.

Is no. 7 the most talented person in the world?
You can say so?

Screams retarted tag effort!!!

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1 Comment

  1. deJelly |

    You got dumbells?? WHAT?!

    careful not to do too much weights.. after can't grow hehe


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