Yes. You're Correct.


Written on Friday, November 07, 2008 by Jason Wee

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Oh my gosh. Prefects in SMK Taman Sea wear red coats, white shirts, and white pants!
No way I'm becoming a prefect if I go there!
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Dear readers, I bet most of you know that I have been sent to SMK Taman Sea, which was not the school that I wanted, which was actually SMK Damansara Jaya.

But this now, is irritating me a whole lot more. You know how you want things to turn out, and it doesn't?

Well, that must have at least have happened to everyone of us. Of course.

But, I know if I appeal, most probably I can get into SMK DJ. But if I do, there's a lot of thing's I really have to consider.

"There are too many people from the past?"

"Would I still be as same as I was in primary?"

"If I became a prefect would it make any difference?"

But if I don't, and have to go to SMK Taman Sea, there's so many things to think about,

"It's a new life here, where should I start off?"

"There's no robotics? Would I restart the whole system?"

"Should I become a prefect?"

So yes, these questions have been running through my head every single day. Causing me not to sleep well, and have overly done stress.

But if I must say, the risk of going SMK Taman Sea is now pretty equal of a risk going SMK DJ.

I always dreamed, of going SMK DJ, walking to school, going to 7-Eleven after school with friends, and as of which, some of my Year 5 friends, even from other schools, would be going to SMK DJ.

And you ask, why the risk? I didn't expect so many of my past to go back and haunt me. For once and for all, I clearly state that, I don't really like my primary life. Maybe its because of some people. Maybe its because of the circumstances I forgot to judge.

And I ask myself, why not SMK Taman Sea? Well for once its way longer from my house, meaning after school lepaking is a no. And anyhow, I still would want some of my past to join me. What more, the robotics there has dropped thier standards much for the past few years, not winning any titles at all. And what more my biggest intention of focusing in robotics in 2009?

So, all these, have been haunting me for the past few days. And plus,

I already handed in my appeal letter.

And tomorrow, which is today, the 7th of November, will be registration for our secondary school. Yes, I know it doesn't have much effect. But going to SMK Taman Sea to register and appeal? I feel that's a leap across a river.

So, those of you who's wondering why I'v been so cranky for the past few days, think, is it you? But I think it's me. And no, it's not because I miss Robyn so dearly I'm over reacting. You know who you are.

Enough bout that.. more leak for Reminiz!

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