Humans vs. Cicak : The Love of A Child


Written on Sunday, June 22, 2008 by Jason Wee

Humans : 2 Cicak : 1

I gave back your 1 point because, as they say the mother and child share the same flesh and blood, i think.

One fine night, when the predators were asleep, the new mother of a child went out to find for food. As she was wondering around the kitchen, she was attracted to this scent given out by a mere round object. She knew that she would not have known what that was as she failed her Ujian Peperiksaan Cicak Rendah (UPCR). She had fallen for the trap, and now has been stuck to this sticky area that didn't allow her to release herself. She even used her elbow to try lifting her up. But sadly so, the bone broke and was paralyzed.

The child had wondered, where has my mummy been for this ONE whole day? So late at night, it went searching for its mother, exploring the territories of human land. And there she was, the dead, suffering mother. The poor child rushed for its mother in without thinking twice why his mother was captured. Sadly, its ownself got captured. His eyes staring at its poor dear mother, as it refused to close his eyes, even though he was dying, wanting to see his late mother for the last time. With great effort, it manage to go on for awhile, but in the end, it still died. With its eyes open, forever seeing his one and only, dear lizard that risked her life, for the rest of its life.

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1 Comment

  1. Ho Xinzheng |

    dem bad wei.... u KILLED THEM lol. lizards dont take care of their young.


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