Shiro & Fuji


Written on Saturday, June 28, 2008 by Jason Wee

Pictures of SHIRO & Fuji. Shinji became Shiro cause i cant remember his name!!.. Fuji has black ears while Shiro has striped ears :)

Fuji running on the wheel
The cage : Habitrail OVO Pad with some add-ons
Shiro posing
Shiro posing!! Poser
The stairs lead to the...

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  1. deJelly |

    nice!! haha :)

  2. Anonymous |

    two syrian hamsters aren't meant to live together theyre solitary creatures. having them together is a serious mistake, they'll fight and hurt each other. you mentioned one of them got sick, perhaps they had a fight. i'd get more habitrail and separate them.


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