Second Day of Kem Motivasi 2008


Written on Saturday, June 21, 2008 by Jason Wee

"This has been an amazing camp. And I would really like to congratulate to all my friends that have done well in this camp. "

-Paragraph of speech by Jason Wee.

As I couldn't sleep, I was waiting as it would strike 0530 hours. As it did, I woke up the people in my room. I went ahead and bathed first in the second ice age. As waited for the others, there weren't many people at the assembly area yet. As people were going, I followed assuring our room was locked.

Morning Exercise

After singing the national anthem, Negaraku and our school song, we warmed up and headed for the beach for a morning jog. As I was right at the corner, I was first in line. Oh shit! My shoelace undid itself, Abang Faizal asked me to go to the corner and faster redo it. After that running back in front of the line.

Abang Faizal asked us to pick some seashells.

Now, camp experience would have taught me this, as in 2006 there was the same competition. The biggest and most unique shell would win and thus gain points. I kept telling my group "More big, more points!!!" but, it didn't work. Our shells were neither big or were they unique, BUT ours had great quantity, which they didn't count :(


As instructed, we made our way to the dining hall for some breakfast. I think it was meehoon and egg if not mistaken with some hot milo.

Base Games

There were six games : picking up a specific color ball blindfolded, picking up rubberbands with a straw on the ground, bowling, ring-tossing, picking ping-pong balls with chopsticks and "so-called" football.

Did OK only laa, we and Great Academy didn't get best for anything :( Poor Qistina! She kena nosebleed :S Guess that proves that tension goes around me, our its just the heat from .. oh never mind.


Some desserts and drinks.

Future-istic Building

We went into the hall, and seated as were. More interesting than last year, building a straw building! that requires architectural and creative skills. Given time : 30 minutes. Die. We started out thinking of a building shape of an X? After we lala'ed our way, we came up with a virus looking building. We were graded in three different perspective, must CANTIK, must TINGGI, must KUKUH.

Tested, and, actually was the 2nd tallest, past the steady test, and I bet Cikgu Fhaisal gave us reaallly bad marks for beauty. And explained can absorb pressure and bla bla bla.


GOODNESS IM STUPID!!!!!!!!!!! Abang Faizal gets all the leaders to read a clue : "Penatnya selepas bermain Base Games, mana hendak main?", then go and discuss it with group members, then he announces need some stationery, I see Michele running to the block, then my f*****g brain go tells me to run following her then I see a facilitator and go running towards him with my whole group following him. AND MY STUPID BRAIN GO TELL ME TO TELL ABANG DAFI THAT THE GAMES STARTED AND HE STARTED TELLING US HOW TO PLAY! Then Abang Faizal comes along freaking angry and tell us to go back as it hasn't started. Everybody giving me the eyes and kena 5 minute penalty.

Sigh, anyways, it wasn't really 5 minutes, just around 2. We started our first task, well, I can't read what the facilitator wrote on the card, but it was just collecting stuff, if I remember correctly, was 5 pairs of socks, 10 stones, 10 seashells, 5 types of flowers and 5 types of leaves. Not sure. Hurried, we were with Great Academy, rushed like hell to the shopping area, after thinking twice reading the clue : "3 something something" then we thought it was the task we saw earlier but nobody was there so figured they all went outside and saw all other teams at the shops and turns out correct. Ended our task at 1451 hours.

Talking to Kakak ... the one cannot remember name.. we have to go to 3 venders and ask for their name, shop name, date of birth, and 5 things and prices that the shop sells. The task was called "PANTAI". Got it quite long, was racing with Espadas to the next location after reading the clue :"22/1 Jalan something something". Ended our task at 1514 hours.

We saw all the other groups, sitting down crowding around something for quite a long time. OMG this is the hardest task out of everything. It's called "SUSAH SGT. MAHU" written on my card. Kakak Ain was in charge. We had to sort out this freaking pile of WHITE RICE, GREEN BEANS, BLACK THINGY AND CORN! ALL DAMN SMALL SUMMO! At least got some people like Michele and Farah really come in handy. All the guys in my group all damn useless wan! (no offense). Given a time of 30 minutes. But we did it in 31 minutes. But counting other things, maybe around 26 minutes, so no extra points. Ended our task at 1545 hours.

And, wala! we didn't waste time for explanation of "Batu-bata", and quickly did it, oh hurry! We were racing with Espadas to the finish line! But, they got Edward, and we got .. Sera? :S We got 5th, at least not last. Ended our task and say race at 1550 hours.

1st : Marine 13
2nd : Sea Monkeys
3rd : Purple Counters
4th : Espadas
5th : Impact
6th : Great Academy

Minum - minum & Rest

After drinking and eating some snacks, we were allowed to bathe and dress fancily for Malam Inspirasi. No comments in the room. Wore my favorite grey JayJays shirt, with my long jeans. We switched with Sea Monkeys as they had Puisi earlier. We had singing in the first place, but I don't think we could pull it off. Jumbled it up, we had help from Cikgu Mohd Nor for the Syair, which he did tremendously.

BBQ Dinner

As all the other years, we had BBQ dinner for the second day. All of us were asked to dressed nicely, but not much really. Satay, burned fish, nuggets and etc. Discussed about our performance during dinner.

Malam Inspirasi

We headed to the hall. The tables were removed and we sat on the ground. First up was... Great Academy. I think. They did tarian Cina, tarian India and not sure bout the other one.. I think next was.. Purple Counters or Espadas? Well they did classroom buli act and choral speaking respectively. "Ouch my Butt!" Mei Ting. Forgot arrangment.. If not mistaken Marine 13 was next. Shun Yeen clarified to everyone that they did not copy Purple Counters as their performance were regularly the same. Then.. Sea Monkeys with the singing of their team song, .. something.. and 5 little monkeys? My group was last. I went up, performed the worst thing I ever did in my life, followed by the worst recited poetry after that.


After playing "Bom Bomb" we headed to the cafeteria for some Milo and kuih-muih.


Everyone was tired, and surely wanted to sleep, but as SKTMers, of corse we didn't. I slept in the room this night, then Shaun wet his mattress and had to go sleep with Shun Yeen. Pity pity. Xheng Kheat was already fast asleep. No comments on what we did to him..

More on next post.. hopefully.


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