WCIT 2008


Written on Friday, June 06, 2008 by Jason Wee

For those who DON'T know.. WCIT 2008 (World Congress of Information Technology) went on from 19-21 May. Its held once on 4 years in various different countries. This year it is held in Malaysia. As Microsoft has adopted our school last year, and since they're setting up at booth, they asked our robotics team to do some demo's and also starting the MultiMice program for schools in Malaysia.

When I first got to know that I was involved, I was damn freaking excited as I would get to see Pak Lah!

On Friday, I went to school at 2:00 something. I didn't know exactly what was going on, then i got to know we were meeting Pak Lah - Monday, Yang-di-Pertua Agong - Tuesday and Sultan of Brunei - Wednesday. Sultan of Brunei? The richest king in the world? Coming to see us? WRONG It was actually Sultan of Pahang. Damn sad you know!

Maybe the Sultan of Brunei could have given us RM100 note each or something and asked us to go get a bottle of water for him and could keep the money. But who cares. So on Friday, wait, was it? erm... not that week, that was exam week.. ah! The Saturday before the exam week we all gathered at our school, Shun Yeen, Mirza, Nadia, Aiman and Safia and we had to re-do the WHOLE open category activity last year. Involving building 4 extremely professionally built robots. We did until around.. I didn't think it started at 2 either.. Forgot.

Since exam week, we postponed our building while Jun and Jian were to come on Monday and help build. When I went on Friday, just me, Aiman but Safia tagged along, Thomas and Francis that brought along Benjamin (form 1 live down my street) and Hee Ngen (aslo live down my street). We weren't building the Open category robots anymore but were handling a 0.7 meter robot and 3 small 30 cm ones. I handled the big one :) On Saturday I didn't go, cause its only for Shun Yeen, Safia and Mirza for the MultiMice thing. A monitor exploded? I wasn't there !


That Sunday, we went to KLCC to set up our robots to see how far to move and other stuff. Freaking hot ! No aircon, all construction work going on, and Im wearing my baggy jeans! What more have to carry my laptop around. I tried mutabak and more Malay food which I have never seen in my life. All so sweet! Can get diabetes. Went back school practise till around 9 and ate roti telur for dinner at school again.. ahh.. FLL experience. But Shun Yeen not there :(

Monday Wesak Day so got no school, but still have to be there at 7! Went in .. Bryan Soh's car ESTIMA. Have to carry my big robot all around. It bit me ler! Set up, OMG big crowd coming. PAK LAH COMING! Butterflies in stomach! I hate "the yellow woman!" She ordering Pak Lah around. Aiman was supposed to greet him but his stupid bodyguards go block him!!! And since Im at the side, stupid paparazzi keep pushing me! Summo got one at my left camera, lenses and flash all cacat already why still wanna take! GOODNESS! Good thing Nadia blocking him from going to the main part :)

And they think we wanna kill him izit??? When my robot go give him the card, the freaking bodyguard took for him!! IM DAMN PISSED!! Puppet laa! And you think its bad for me? Stupid "yellow woman" took Pak Lah away to another booth and didn't even bother to go to the MultiMice section! Mirza almost cried! IM DAMN PISSED! Argh! Anyways, after complaining and rough talk, we went for Pizza at Suria. Abang Farad belanja :) Only had 2 slices though, I was too busy listening to my iPod. We went back to KLCC to pack our things and head home.


Aint finish, Cikgu Fhaishal and Pn Hidayu wanted to go to Pasar Seni by LRT to buy gifts for Indonesians and asked who wants to follow? Me and Shun Yeen went along! Yey! First time Shun Yeen riding on LRT. I feel bored and sick of it. Went there la.. see only. Wanted to buy necklace as my metal one broke, but couldn't see anything. Shun Yeen bought some key chains.

Went back to Pasar Seni LRT station, bought drinks and taking a "good" sight at the polluted Subang river. Then went back to school, walked from Kelana Jaya LRT station, and Cikgu Fhaisal sent Shun Yeen and I home.

TUESDAY! Aww.. Nadia cannot come. She got cold. Sad. But I had to go school first, going with my Voltron T-shirt, phone and iPod AINT unsual for me. Waited .. Shun Yeen wore his school clothes :S Faster go change. Then collected the robot, run a round in ICT room while waited for Indonesians to see us. They had some event for them in the Dewan, like dancing, choirs and even a dance from themselves.

They're coming! Presented a card to the Principle of the Indonesian school, snap abit by the "talented" photographer Safia. Fooled around and had Coke from the canteen, then we left for KLCC at 12. By then 3 Indonesian girls were in my class. Sera sat on my place, Jen Wen sat on Kelvin's and one of them sat on Sera's! Rush .. rush.. rush.. sat in the car again, only this time, since Jun and Jian were bunking in with us, Shun Yeen, Mirza and BRYAN SOH and me had to cram at the back row! Summo Im sitting next to Bryan! Stuffy wei! Cannot move!

Reached, set up, all of us set a plan now. I think Cikgu Fhaishal was making sure that Aiman shook the King's hand AND extra Safia talking to the King to go see their multi point. Her line was "Tuanku, sila lihat MultiMice patik?" Wah.. have to use bahasa istana. BUT still, the "yellow woman" became the "pink woman" today and interrupted Aiman from speaking to the King! Ugh! More paparazzi around me although Cikgu Hasmadi, Pn Anita, Jian and Safia all standing around me. Ughh. At least the King more friendly and shook our hands except for Bryan's. hahaha.

Then he went to MultiMice, damn chun wo! Shun yeen's picture came out damn lot of times in newspaper and I only appear in TV3 news for 2 seconds. Ughh! Unfair!! :( JKJK. Finish. Satisfied. DAMN! BAD NEWS! I WON'T BE GOING ON WEDNESDAY!! We kept begging Cikgu Fhaishal and making a scene in public by kneeling and making crocodile tears. No work. I have to sit my test tom! Oh yeah, since we arrived there around 12, we had lunch at the food court. Go with easiest food, McD :) I ate Apple pie, medium fries and coke. Went to Kunikuniya (is that how you spell it?) and bought this Creative Arts magazine for RM45! Ok larrr... Burn money!

WEDNESDAY! Take all my test that I miss going to NRC briefing on exam week Wednesday. Meaning I took Maths Subjective, Objective then Science.

THURSDAY! Lawatan to KLCC with Indonesians! Bryan Soh, Andrea, Shun Yeen, Mirza, Safia, Aiman, Me, Hui Wei and Nadia went:) Nadia happy get to use Cikgu Fhaishal Olympus DSLR :P I also brought mine along. So we went to Microsoft, sat in rows, There were 4 sets. 1 set around 8 x 6 chairs. I sat in the 3rd set 2nd row 2nd from the right. I sat next to Nadia while Shun Yeen, Mirza and Bryan Soh was infront. Bryan Soh was touching Mirza's butt but he didn't care! How gay is that? And funny thing really, there was the MultiMice activity, so one guy from Indonesia and Shun Yeen went. 2 guys, 1 mouse. What happens? Look in the picture. Our group won 1st :) Got some notebook from Microsoft.

Lunch buffet was served. Then, went to sky bridge! Waaa.. so nice. Scary. Got dissy. Didn't took pictures. Not becoming active photographer. Went down, say bye bye to Indonesians! Take pictures, then Aiman go talk to them, ask number bla bla bla. Then they line up, we line up, shake hands! My goodness, do you know how many of them are they? 70! I shook around 100 hands that day! Sticky sticky. Then Nadia taught some dirty hand shaking method then Shun yeen and her tried to do it on some of them and they laugh. Then I told the girl, Opee that sat next to Robyn, that "Eh, tau tak? Kawan saya di sekolah suka kamu ni tau!" Meaning Aaron. He thinks she's hot.

WORST OF ALL, Aiman comes telling me that an indonesian girl likes me. No names, no comments there. Then all of us balik using LRT, since we went there using LRT, Cikgu belanja Slurpee for all! This is the second time Shun Yeen eating Slurpee as I introduced it to him on Monday and now he's hooked. Go back school and joking around saying "Safia, the next ketua pengawas". Then dad came, balik, and since teachers day is tomorrow, I asked him to buy spray paint for me. Red and black. So, I opened the red one, saw the cover came of, fixed it back in and...

SPRAYED MYSELF! Like my face isn't red enough. Faster wash, ahhh. Good thing didn't kena the eye. If not I go blind.

FRIDAY! Teachers day! Have to prepare speech. It was short. I said it kau fast and nobody could hear a crap thing I said. Summo got flu caught from Nadia I think so damn cha. Distributed disc and received 25 disc from Cikgu Md Nor to burn for camp photos.

Thats about it. A REALLY LONG WEEK! Damn fun! Hope can do again.. :P

p/s Im posting this really late and Iv been reading Xiaxue blog so Im trying to pick up from her. Or Kenny. This post damn long wei!Shot from Skybridge
See what I mean! GAY!

Look at all the toy cars :)

The 3 little small robots
The big robot
Look at the crowd!!
This picture was published on almost every single newspaper!
I look good ? :)

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