Written on Friday, September 19, 2008 by Jason Wee

I bet everyone of you have used "LOL" once in a conversation before. It stands for Laugh Out Loud or its just used to express the feeling of funny.

But to me, this word has so much more usage to me.

If I'm stuck in a sticky conversation..

-"Eh, you told that person who I like ah?"

"Er.. Dunno. "LOL""

-"Oh My God you never bathe ah? So dirty!"

"Er.. "LOL""

-"Eh, why your leg there wan?!"

"Er.. "LOL""

-"You so cruel! Why you go kill the fish?!"

""LOL" for fun lor."

-"Why so damn disgusting wan you?"


"LOL" makes life so much happier and fun. It just makes everything angry and sad disappear.


Lame post I sooo know.

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