Serious Addiction
Written on Monday, September 22, 2008 by Jason Wee
Have you ever heard of the series, How I Met Your Mother? Its madness in crazyland. I'm serious.
It's like the best show ever.Basically, there's this guy, architect to be more specific, Ted Moseby. He's all married and has 2 kids. So, this whole 3 season show, runs just by the base line of him telling his kids how he met their mother.
So he starts off with three friends, Marshall and Lily, dating that they met in collage, and the awesome Barney Stinson where he met, well, at a bar.
So the first episode of the whole story is he meets this girl, Robin, a news reporter. And carries on their relationship.
But we don't know if they end up together, or he meets another girl, named Stella.
So, season 3 ends in the picture of him purposing to her. So what so sudden I'm blogging about this?
Cause season FOUR is coming out today, in USA at 8:30pm their time. So, its coming.
Well, if your parents allow, if you know what I mean.