

Written on Saturday, January 10, 2009 by Jason Wee

Gosh, its so not like I wanted. Secondary school is not like I wanted! I barely get my free time with afternoon school, and I'm so, tired after school. Expecting less was bad, and one thing's for sure, boy are the rules strict, prefects packaged. We can't really explore the school, cause its really bounded my space. So,

My first day, gosh. What else is there to say, plain tiring, got asked to pull up my pants 4 times, and once I entered the school, this old prefect from school, Eunice which I used to treat quite badly said, "Put down your hair".

"It's natural lah"

"Try to put down"

"Seriously! You touch! NO gel!"

"Ok, you go get letter for that"

One word, WTF man. We went back to class after assembly, and Puan Rohayati, my class teacher came in, and wanted to change the seats. And the embarrassing part was, that there's a rule in DJ that guys can sit with girls. So teacher announced to class "Sebenarnya, lelaki tak boleh duduk dengan perempuan *points to me and Audrey*" Gosh.

Everything else went quite well, except for the stupid Buku Pencegah Ponteng book. My God does it cause hypertention. On Tuesday all Pengerusi Kelas knew about it, and then I was the last one to collect it, since my teacher is aswell new to DJ, but thank God I passed it up by recess.

And my official favourite teacher, Pn Choong! She is so damn funny lah! And she really can speak Malay well, which is hard to find a good Chinese speaking one. Although discipline teacher and abit jumpy, she's my number 1 fav teacher! Haha ;)

Sexism arises. How unfair. Girls no need to wear pants, guys have to trouble with it? Man, and the whippings stated in the rule book are for guys. Ish. Enough about that, we recieved our forms to fill, and on Thurday, one of the most, awful thing happened.

During KHB, the girls and guys split. So the teacher all wanted us to have TWO long books. So a lot of us only has ONE or NONE. So, one book was RM2.50, and I went down to go buy the books for everyone, holding their money lengthly calculated. And when I reached the bookshop.. I GOT ROBBED!


No lah, the bookshop just ran out of stock, wasting half an hour doing nothing.. x) And I asked Puan Sathya about the Nostalgia thing, and said must write some stuff about yourself, and I handed in a misarable piece of paper she knew there was nothing there, and explained briefly what should be in there, so on Friday,

I, I, I, so love going to Mr. F's tuition! It's another meeting place for us groopies x) And I went back to SKTM to collect my robotics certs and visit with Victor, that took quite long. So later I went to print sample photos and illustrations, and photostated my certs.

And and, I'm in MAJU! And and I applied for Robotics! And also Pengakap! And I'm Penolong Bendahari for Maju! And I kena tegur for my hair 5 times and my londeh pants 10 times! That makes it ..


Hahaha, so I was waiting outside on Friday, and my mum was quite late so I decided to buy bubble tea. And when I was walking back to the other side, some form 2 Maju girl scram at me,


"Penolong Setiausaha lah"

"Oh Oh! Penolong Setiausaha!"

"She's so random right" her friend

I walk..

"Ah wait! I'm Bendahari! Penolong Bendahari lah!"

"Oh Oh! Penolong Bendahari!"

And if you manage to read until so far down here, I salute you for reading my long crap. But the week has really been tiring, and coffee has been helping me x)

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